Yik Yak Is Back, Zuck's VR App And This Week's Other Best Memes, Ranked

Here at Digg, we try our best to cover the most important and confounding memes that come across the timeline. But the web is littered with tons of great memes that never quite hit the mainstream and instead just bounce around the weird corners of Twitter or Reddit.

Enter our recurring feature, Memes, Ranked. This week, we've got Mark Zuckerberg's virtual reality app announcement, the return of Yik Yak and Greek mythology jokes.

3. Zuckerger's VR App Announcement

The meme

Mark Zuckerberg is consistent. Consistent in making pointless internet products that end up causing more harm than good. His latest? A VR metaverse that lets coworkers experience sitting in a virtual conference room together, if or when they get bored of Zoom. It's unclear what Zuck's end goal is here. Does he want to plaster the metaverse with ads, or take control of our physical lives while we're aimlessly plugged into his make-believe world? Either way, it's not looking good.


Adwait Patil

2. The Return Of Yik Yak

The meme

Yik Yak was an anonymous social media gossip app that once thrilled students who wanted to spread dirt about their enemies on college campuses. It was shut down amid fears of the service being used for cyberbulling — but this week, the company announced it was making a comeback.

The official announcement came courtesy of a Cameo from Brian Baumgartner, AKA Kevin from "The Office."

The company said the app would be available for download for iPhones, albeit with new restrictions against "anything that could be construed as bullying, abuse, defamation, harassment, stalking, or targeted hate or public humiliation."

The announcement made waves on Twitter, with nostalgic former Yik Yak-ers making memes to commemorate the news.


James Crugnale

1. Greek Mythology Jokes

The meme

At one point or another in our schooling, many of us learned a little bit about Greek and Roman mythology. In my experience, it was the best unit of all: when you've got fantastically bonkers — if troubling — stories about people getting swept away to be the queen of hell or supernaturally strong babies strangling deadly snakes, no other history ever quite measures up.

So we learned our mythology — and then we had a bunch of fascinating but useless information rattling around our brains for years. This is precisely where Twitter comes in handy: this week, spurred by one particularly clever tweet about Orpheus and Eurydice from an account called Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens (lol), people joined in the fun and added their own mythology jokes to the mix. Enjoy.


Molly Bradley

And if you're hungry for more memes, here's last week's "The Week's Best Memes, Ranked" article, where we rank Lea Michele reacting to "Funny Girl" casting news, Twitter's redesign, Trea Turner's smooth slide into home base and our fall plans vs. the Delta variant.

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