
Update 03/04/21: A recent TikTok video went viral for its warning about wires on cars. In the video, TikToker @achunkyguy talks about how people should be cautious when they see wire on their car handles and that it's a distraction tactic.

However, in 2019, there were many social media posts warning people about zip-ties on cars and how zip-ties were used as a method of distraction that would make people easier targets for sex trafficking. The posts were later debunked by The Kansas City Star and Snopes as internet hoaxes. This latest TikTok video warning about wires on cars seems to be a similar variation on the zip-tie myth.

And while wires or zip-ties on cars may not actually be a thing, it's still important to be vigilant when getting into your car.

Here's a video debunking the myth from THV11:

[You can read more about the disproving of the myth at The Kansas City Star]

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