
A woman who told an interviewer that she participated in Michigan's "Operation Gridlock" protest against the stay-at-home order because she needed to get her hair done inspired a TikToker to research her claims — and something isn't adding up.

"It's time for our state to be opened up. We're tired of not being able to buy the things that we need," Brenda Essman of Kalamazoo told WLNS. "Go to the hairdressers, get our hair done."

Most of us probably would have shaken our heads and shrugged at this statement, but not TikTok user @rebabeba, who looked into this claim — and discovered that Michiganders have only been under the order for ~28 days, not long enough for this woman's roots to have grown as much as they had.

Now we're not saying that this is ironclad math that is being done here, but this was quite an investigative journey into a hairy issue and we're glad that we went straight to the root cause of things.


My math could be off because I actually used the average bass player's pointer finger 🤷🏻‍♀️ #covid19 #quarantine #michigan #coronavirus #stayhome

♬ original sound – rebabeba

[Via Twitter]

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