
​A fear of flying is a pretty common phobia, but when one stops to consider the much higher fatality rates of other transportation modes, the fear that one's plane might crash can suddenly seem pretty irrational.

Using US transportation data from 2000 to 2009, Reddit user theimpossiblesalad made this infographic that shows the fatality rates per billion passenger miles of different transportation modes. Airplanes, as you can see, are pretty low on the list, while the fatality rates of motorcycles are scarily high:


According to the infographic, the fatality rates of motorcycles is 212.57 deaths per billion passenger miles. By comparison, cars, which have the second-highest fatality rates, is 7.28. The fatality rates of planes, on the other hand, is merely 0.07.

It's worth noting that more recent data shows that fatality rates of motorcycles have dipped in recent years. However, compared to other passenger vehicles, fatalities are still 28 times more likely to happen when it comes to motorcycles.

[@Statistics_Data_Facts via Reddit]

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