
Everyone loves a perfectly looping GIF. And lucky for the internet, there are plenty of people out there who love making them. 

Imgurian orboloops9 proved to be one of those people by posting a cornucopia of fantastically looping "Mario Kart 8" GIFs to Imgur. Just look at these beauts:


After editing out the lap counters at the bottom and the time at the top, it's almost impossible to tell these are loops.



We've been staring at them nonstop, and we still have no idea where most of these GIFs actually do the looping.



Some of the driving is pretty technically impressive too. Bask in the meticulous off-road slides and effortless short-cut usage:



And if nothing else, these are a great reminder of how fun "Mario Kart 8" can be.


You can tell our new best friend orboloops9 is truly dedicated to the craft, because their Imgur profile is filled to the brim with not only perfect Mario Kart loops, but other kinds of wonderfully satisfying repeating clips too.

Like this forever wheelie:


Or this one of WALL-E and Eve in the rain.


Once you're done blissing out (to some equally calming ambient sound perhaps?) throw this beautiful account some upvotes. Orbo earned 'em.

[Via Reddit]

<p>Joey Cosco is Digg's Social and Branded Content Editor</p>

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