
Here at Digg we love a good impression. Lately we've especially been into ultra-specific micro impressions (which SNL's old impression master Dana Carvey pretty much perfected.)

But no one — not even Carvey — can do a Jack Black impersonation as masterfully as comedian Peter Gilroy.

 Peter Gilroy

You can find these works of art on Gilroy's Twitter, which we demand you follow right this instant.

 Peter Gilroy

He absolutely nails all of Black's idiosyncrasies in the most hilarious way. And the food/waiter theme might be the ultimate way to let them loose.

 Peter Gilroy

 We don't know how he does it.

 Peter Gilroy

In addition to Jack Black, Peter Gilroy has a couple other hyper specific impressions we're into, such ASMR Owen Wilson:

 Peter Gilroy

Caitlyn Jenner with a knife:1

 Peter Gilroy

And a Chris D'Elia-approved Chris D'Elia:2


Rock and roll.


Which, unfortunately, feels a little meaner than the rest.


Dead accurate.

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