
Nobody has time to watch all the late night shows. Except for us, so we're rounding up the best clips from each show every morning.

Senator Warren stopped by "The Late Show," claiming that the proposed GOP tax plan will hurt working families.  When asked about a 2020 run, she deflected, saying there are too many other fights that need attention right now.


Seth Meyers took "a closer look" at the feud between President Trump and the Ball family. 


James Corden delivered pizzas to random strangers' homes, giving them the option to either take the pizza they had ordered or open a "mystery" box.


Stephen Curry read an excerpt from his harrowing Veterans Day essay "The Noise." "I'm not an activist… but I do feel I have a responsibility to speak my mind… and to shed light on the trials and tribulations that veterans go through," he explained. 


Finally, Trevor Noah detailed the insane process congressional staffers have to go through in order to report instances of sexual harassment and abuse. 


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