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'Wheel Of Fortune' Audience Member Gasps When Contestant Messes Up With Literally One Letter Left

'Wheel Of Fortune' Audience Member Gasps When Contestant Messes Up With Literally One Letter Left
This poor teenage contestant will probably never hear the end of this for a very long time.
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Via Twitter.


  1. Jeff Carter 1 year ago

    For the life of me (and this is sincere, not merely a flame), I cannot understand how this letter could be *genuinely* missed by anyone who speaks English and is at junior high level or beyond in schooling. I get the concept that people have brain farts, especially under pressure -- happens to me all the time -- but to the best of my knowledge, I've never had a brain fart even remotely this bad. This is so bad, it really makes me have to consider the merits of conspiracy theories to explain it, and I'm not one who typically traffics in that line of thought.

  2. Fresh tropical fruit

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