times were so simple back then

We Find This Archival Footage Of People Shopping In 1980 To Be Mystifying, Transfixing And Voyeuristic

We Find This Archival Footage Of People Shopping In 1980 To Be Mystifying, Transfixing And Voyeuristic
Someone brought a camera into a Safeway, and just taped people shopping. The results have both nostalgia for people of a certain age, and could also double as alien footage to any Zoomer.
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Reddit dug up some old archival footage of what shopping in a Safeway was like in 1980. This reminds us of "Koyaanisqatsi" which is a documentary showcasing life as pure as it can be shown off, also in the '80s, and gives a whole new perspective to human beings living on planet earth. This is either soothing to some of you, or downright bizarre given the clothing these people were wearing. Either or, we find it fascinating to watch.

Via Reddit.


  1. Christopher Lewis 1 year ago

    Chilled - easy going, friendly. I was in my 20's so like Clean Plate says below. What is so bizarre?

  2. Clean Plate 1 year ago

    I was in my 20's in the 80's. Will someone clue me into what is so bizarre about this video?

  3. Ghazi S. Haddad 1 year ago

    Yeah, I'm a guy from the 80s. We used to take our time to buy. We were not in a hurry to do things like today. We didn't dramatise problems. We were more friendly with each other and more loving. It was a beautiful era. Today things are more and more artificial. People are more materialistic. I love the 80s. I was in my 20s then. Good old days. Only if time goes back... I would change many things then...

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