Television's Most Hated And Loved Characters, Visualized

Television's Most Hated And Loved Characters, Visualized
Here's how popular TV show episode ratings correspond with the talking time of your favorite characters. (From 2022)
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The folks at Crossword-Solver analyzed TV show scripts and show ratings to see which characters were the most well-received, according to popular sentiment

They compared various episode IMDB ratings based on the amount of lines particular characters had in it to see how the public thought about their added, or decreased, on-screen talking.

Key Takeaways:

  • Theon Greyjoy, from "Game of Thrones," has one of the highest episode ratings (9.1) when his character is doing most of the talking, whereas Sheldon J Plankton from "SpongeBob SquarePants" has one of the lowest average ratings (7.06).

  • Ross ("Friends"), Elaine ("Seinfeld"), Michael Scott ("The Office"), Ron Swanson ("Parks and Recreation"), Aidan Shaw ("Sex and the City"), Edna Krabappel-Flanders ("The Simpsons") and Randy Marsh ("Southpark") were characters whose high amount of dialogue corresponded with equally high IMDB episode ratings.

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Via Crossword-Solver.


  1. Don Hodge 1 year ago

    I hate Ross. I wish he would have been killed off.

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