
Today in Data Visualizations That Are Useless But Pretty Cool: This table showing the likelihood of all 676 permutations of two-letter initials, based on data from the 2000 census, created by Redditor Takakikun


This data visualization's color scheme makes a few things clear: First names starting with C, D, J, M and R are fairly common, as are last names starting with B, M, S and W. JB is the most likely two-letter combination, so congratulations to Jack Black, Jessica Biel, Jason Bateman, Justin Bieber and all the other JBs who have apparently taken over the country. 

Less common? It's not a huge surprise that first and last names starting with Q, X, Y and Z are hard to come by, which means that having a first and last name starting with those letters is extremely unlikely. So if your initials are QZ, XY or ZX, take a moment to appreciate your own uniqueness.

[Via Reddit]

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