
Careful readers of Digg will notice that in recent months we have come down hard on the Mercator projection, the most commonly used two-dimensional depiction of the globe. The reason for this is simple: The Mercator projection is a lie. It makes landmasses near the poles look way, way bigger than they actually are. 

If you don't believe us, just spend a few seconds contemplating this GIF that juxtaposes the Mercator projection against a to-scale map of the world.


This GIF feels like the mic drop of anti-Mercator-projection visualizations, but if any other creative maps demonstrating the true size of various countries come along, you can be sure you'll find them right here at Digg dot com, your favorite truthful cartography website.

[Via Reddit]

<p>L.V. Anderson is Digg's managing editor.</p>

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