
Have you ever stopped to think that over the course of your lifetime, you will likely spend hundreds of days commuting back and forth from home and work? If not, we've got a great (read: depressing) map that's sure to make you question what you're doing with your life. 

The good (read: sadistic) folks over at Educated Driver used Census Bureau data on average daily roundtrip commute times in hundreds of cities nationwide to calculate how much time Americans spend traveling to and from work over the course of their lives. (They assumed a 45-year career working 250 days a year.) The results, mapped by city, are pretty horrifying. 


People who live in San Francisco, not too surprisingly, spend more than 500 days of their lives, on average, traveling to and from work.


Meanwhile, the residents of lovely Great Falls, Montana only spend 244 days of their lives commuting. That's less than a year out of every lifetime spent driving to and from work! What a bargain.


Check out the interactive version of the map here and find how just how much time the people in your city spend on commutes. 

[Educated Driver]

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