
Did you know that "dabbed" is a lavender hue? Or that "deface" is eggshell white?โ€‹ This isn't synesthesia talk โ€” these are the corresponding colors you get when you plug these words in as hexadecimal colors, as the site "#c0ffee is the color" will teach you.

(Refresher: hexadecimal colors have red, green and blue components where the intensity of each is represented by a pair of hexadecimals using 0-9 then A-F for base-16 counting. For example, #0000FF is pure blue.)

"#c0ffee is the color" displays all the hexadecimal colors for alphabet-only words like "beefed" and "decade" as well as for leetspeak variations, though you can toggle those on or off. Without including numbers you'd never get to see Doodad Pink (#D00DAD) or Testes Indigo (#7E57E5), so some leeway for leet seems acceptable here.

 #c0ffee is the color

FRD, the creator of "#c0ffeeisthecolor," put their email address at the bottom of the page, but don't message them if you're unhappy that #C0FFEE is actually a pale greenish-blue instead of a rich brown. They didn't pick how hexadecimal colors work, they just translated them for our collective benefit.

[#c0ffee is the color]

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