Introducing Digg on your Apple Watch

​Digg is all about bringing you the best of the Internet no matter where you are, be it your desktop, mobile devices, or inbox. Today, we're excited to add Smart Watch to that list with the latest version of our iOS app.

Sport bands come in Digg blue. Coincidence? 

The Digg app for Apple Watch strives to be as simple as possible, giving you the best of Digg at a moment's notice. One quick glance at the app and you'll be the toast of the town with your impeccably up-to-date knowledge of the Internet.


With Digg 5.7.0, you'll get the best of our editorially curated stories as well as stories from your Digg Reader and Digg Deeper. We've built in lightweight customization to allow you to turn sections on or off, or limit the number of stories you see. Stories show up with beautiful images, crisp text, and the ability to Digg on the go.1

If you've enabled Digg's push notifications, you'll get them directly on your wrist as well. You can Digg or save a story without ever having to pull out your phone. We even built a "glance" (Apple's term for watch information views) so you can have the top story on Digg only a swipe away at all times. 

Go ahead, get the Edition. You deserve it. 

Though the Apple Watch will be available starting on April 24th, Digg 5.7.0 is available in the app store today and includes tons of improvements for iOS users as well.


We're continuously refining and rethinking the Digg experience across all platforms and we'd love your feedback on how we can make it better. 

Want to help us build the next Digg? Good news: we're hiring.

Get the Digg iOS App here.


Can I Digg this watch?

<p>Nathaniel Kirby is Digg's Lead Mobile Engineer</p>

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