
What might be the biggest Tumblr meme of 2015 started as a post on a closed Facebook group for witches offering to sell human remains for the purposes of witchcraft. What's more disturbing is that the seller claims that these bones came from the remains of "poor" people, which they freely take on a monthly basis out of local cemetery near New Orleans. 

A screenshot of the now-deleted post, with names redacted 

It was quickly determined that the Facebook poster was also Tumblr user littlefuckinmonster (since deleted1). While the laws around disturbance of graves and the trade or sale2 of human remains are hazy and determined at a state level, what struck many Tumblr users was the immorality of it.

The issue bridged over to Tumblr in the form of a callout post — a staple of the often hyper-corrective Tumblr community which seeks to course correct the behavior of groups or users who might be acting insensitively. 


Proof of the Facebook post, as well as a number of potentially related local news stories about the issue, was eventually provided by Tumblr user nopathfollowed, and things spiraled out from there. The first wave was largely posts of utter disbelief.


Then the whole idea of a callout post came into question since — rather than this being an example of misbehavior — it might be an actual crime.


Which was put to rest by claims that the police had been contacted prior to the post being made. 


At least for some users.


Many users assumed from the setting, as well as extant photos of the seller, that this pointed to larger race issues. 


People also drew battle lines regarding what sort of magical practices were acceptable. 


Littlefuckinmonster resurfaced under a new URL3 to defend themselves in a lengthy post. They also claimed that the local news stories were about a different cemetery entirely,4 that they had been doxxed and threatened. 


Many of the most vocal critics of the issue were other magic practitioners and osteophiles.


The memes started once the conversation extended beyond bone-buffs and Wiccans, who saw much of the uproar and reaction as indicative of many of Tumblr's overarching quirks and failings.



It also slotted in nicely with Tumblr's prexisting Skeleton Wars meme, and the active Undertale fandom present on the site.


Currently its unknown what's become of littlefuckinmonster. If they've created a new Tumblog it has yet to be found. Their name has become a "popular search" on Facebook, although they have not posted to Facebook in over a week. Attempts to contact her have so far been unsuccessful. Unfortunately, the various web presences of littlefuckinmonster continue to be screenshotted and spread.


If you have any information regarding this story, tweet it or email it to me: [email protected].


This was the only archive of the tumblog on Wayback Machine, from September 30th. Well before any of these bone stuff happened.


Buzzfeed reports that removing human remains from a cemetery and sale of human remains are both misdemeanors in Louisiana http://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/boneghazi


Once again, this blog has since been deleted


Which if true, is concerning for anyone planning to be buried in or around New Orleans

<p>Bryan Menegus is the Senior Video Editor at Digg.</p>

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