
As a medium, commercials are a challenge: they have to accurately portray a message in a short time and somehow leave you wanting to spend your money on whatever you just watched. What the sick minds of r/CommercialCuts realized is that this makes any ad susceptible to huge tonal shifts with the alteration or replacement of just one element. 

Although people have been editing advertisements for the purpose of humor for about as long as ads have existed, the three-month-old r/CommercialCuts finally gives these pranksters a place to congregate (and provides a corpus of demented humor for the rest of us to sift through). Here are our favorites so far: 

 Via minstreljoel

This edit makes sure not to mince words. Dyson has no love for conventional bladed fans.

 Via John Smith

Originally this Subaru spot was a story of having your kid grow up in the safety and comfort of a minivan. One added scene does a lot to captures the awkwardness of adolescence. 

 Via Fayke Nahme

Cheerios has your back during those difficult conversations.

 Via Bridger Winegar

Princess Cruises is more insidious than you ever imagined.

 Via Wolfano

Everyone's happy that Vodafone Music can help grandma and grandpa truly enjoy their golden years.

 Via tsully 193

PSA: If your kid eats peanut butter sandwiches, he or she is probably growing up to be a serial killer.

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